Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Hey.... I am no great writer but would love to become one and this is my first step towards that journey. If at all i got this blog started, the full credit goes to my dear friend Mamatha who had more confidence in my wr1ting skills than me !!!She was constantly behind me to have a go ...and here i am !!!

Heee...heeee... thanx for being here and hope you dont get bored reading my blogs!!! Anyway do let me know what you think ........


R@v! said...

Wait till you get a Pillow Bang from me...hehe.....Started off a community there together..left it anaath and here u run a whole blogspace hmmmm..iru iru .....onnneeyyy...LOL..Yea yea...snc U a fun loving Positive person...simple and down to earth! firmly believe in living life to the full... hate people who crib and rant!!!...I leave you in peace(atleast 4 now) ...he he...hey but pls do cast a glance on what we set our foot together to do ASAP heehee:)U know wot I mean rite!![:)]

Vivek said...

I like your Heeeeeeeeeeeeee

Your blog's quite interesting.