Sunday, February 11, 2007

Ever Made A Fool Of Yourself ??

Am sure this has happened to some of you ….I mean situations where you make a complete fool of your self!!! Or am I the only weird one with such experiences??
All said and done I think it’s worth sharing …at least for the humor it evokes…!

It was one of those days when it suddenly dawns on you, that you have been postponing a whole lot of petty work and suddenly they loom large, in front of you, with a narrowing deadline. Hard pressed for time and armed with a long ‘things-to-be-done list’ I set out one morning with a determined look on my face!

And was I glad to find an empty parking slot at a vantage point from where I could walk all around and finish all my work…..!!!!!! Thinking I had got off to a good start, I spent the next couple of hours ticking things off my list with a mighty pleased smile.

I realized it was noon by then and I still had some work at the bank that had to be completed before banking hours closed at half past twelve, it being a Saturday!!!
So I hurried to the car and inserted the keys to open the door and lo behold.... it refused to open!!

I rechecked if I had the right keys and yes I had! I tried again and it still wouldn’t budge…. A few more tries and I lost my temper and gave the car a good piece of my mind with the choicest of words… I aimed a nice hard kick at the tyre and eeeeks…. only to wince in pain the next minute with a broken toenail.

I quickly looked around to see if any one was a witness to my sudden tantrum and to my [bad] luck, sure enough, there was this guy standing on the pavement with a curious smile on his face.

I looked away cursing him under my breath, wishing he’d go away and tried once again to open the door faking a calmness I hardly felt …Much to my annoyance the guy came towards me and enquired, ’Having problems , maam ?’.

‘The door is not opening,’…I said.

‘Perhaps you don’t have the right keys”, he said grinning.

By then I was at my wits’ end and wanted to wipe that grin off his face….he was smartly dressed but …was he some kind of a conman ??

‘I can manage…its none of your business!’ I curtly said.

‘Oh yes it is…’, he said, now clearly laughing, ‘especially since its my car you're meddling with!’

It took a few seconds for his words to sink in!

Oh my god!!! What was I doing??? Trying to open someone else’s car with my keys!!! But it was a grey Zen…

I looked up to find my car parked right next to this one. In my hurry to get to the bank I hadn’t realized that another grey Zen had been parked next to mine and had gladly assumed that the first car I set my eyes on was mine!!

How could I ???? He saw me kicking his car and no wonder he that funny smile on his face …what an idiot I must have looked like!

What followed was a profuse flow of apologies from my side while he tried his best to make me feel at peace and reassure me. I had never felt so stupid in my life!

I just fled the scene and headed back home with a valuable lesson…never assume things and check the car number every time before you try to unlock it!!!


OIEFRE said...

lolz !! i wish i wus the guy !! :-D

Ms Right said...

i had a similar incident too..

i had gone for the base-terminal show with my frnds(say bout my entire school & collage classmates were occupyin quite a floor space).. an hour or two after we got there we wanted to dance.. i wanted to go leave my purse in my frnds car so took the keys from her and opened the car and left my purse in and came back..

after the ful nite dance masti wen we al got to the parking lot my frnd went and opened the car. we got in and checked for my purse with wasnt there and we al realised i had left in the wrong car..
next day i got a call from a guy who claimed to have my purse(i had a small diary in the purse which had my mob number and address on the 1st page..)
aah it was quite an embarrassing moment wen i met him and took the purse.. i thanked him and left the place as soon as i cud..(shud say i literally ran in under 5 minutes of meetin him)

ur not alone in this babe!!!!!!