Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hair Raising Experience…

Well…..I bet most of you [at least the older ones] would have gone through this traumatic experience at some point of time or the other… after all aren’t we all a little careless..! Is this what ‘ a close shave’ is all about?

Its true all of us go through a ‘bad patch’ and we all hate to talk about it… but its better if you do…because you could get a lot of tips on how to come out of a worrying situation. Of course the experience varies from person to person…but isn’t the basic issue the same… your HAIR!

Hehe…some of you are confused aren’t you? What do you think am talking about? Of course am talking about your crowning glory.

Sudden loss of hair could get you worried to the extremes, making you do a quick P.hd on the history of baldness in your ancestry. Not to mention how some people hit the panic button on the double, when they discover that first strand of grey hair! Needless to say all hell breaks loose…this is exactly what happened to a close friend of mine!

“ I am only in my forties and how could I start greying. I am going to look old”, she screeched one day. No amount of reasoning [that it was perfectly normal to start greying in your forties; it all depends on your genes; these days even those in their twenties were having grey hair] could convince her and she had already decided that she had become a useless old hag! Her husband even tried telling her that the little grey tinge at the temples, only made her look more beautiful and appealing! But to no avail!

Then started the endless rounds of treatment when her Head became a flame less cooking range where every possible edible item was powdered, mixed, beaten, churned and poured …and left to soak! Right from curd, egg, methi, besan, lime juice, tea, coconut milk, oil [of all kinds and colour] …not to mention Brandy! And the non- edible stuff like henna, hibiscus leaves, herbs and what have you!

She would appear like an alien every other day with some concoction or the other on her head and finally went in and got the inevitable done - dyed her hair black! She not only lost more hair going through all this but is now worrying about when she would have to go for her next sitting at the parlor! Because she knows that the black dye wouldn’t last forever!

I can understand people getting worried about falling hair …but not greying hair! Grow up people. Greying hair no way indicates that you have become an old useless hawk. In that case every other youngster in his/her twenties is good enough to be termed as old – because these days most of them start greying young! You can ONLY be as old as you think you are!

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