Monday, May 28, 2007


Why do most of us always have the feeling that we are not perfect and that we need to

change? Is it because people around us are constantly pointing out to the negatives in us,
ignoring the positive points. Well if so, then I think something is drastically wrong with
them…and with you too for letting them do it!
I hate anyone comparing themselves with an‘other’ person and yearning to be like them.

You are special in your own way – realize that!

If you were like the other person with all his good qualities life would be so boring. So what if

you are not perfect? No one is!

So what if you are short tempered? So what if you have no aptitude for numbers? So what if

you are obsessed with only good food and are not good in general knowledge? So what if you
are not tech savvy?

Isn’t it that which makes life interesting for you and all those around you! Isn’t it that which

makes you so unique?

But don’t get me wrong…. If someone is overweight and obese and heading for trouble health
wise, I don’t want them to turn around and say, ‘ Hey am special! That’s the way I am’.

There’s nothing special in hogging away to glory and being obese…you had better get that
bottom of yours moving and jog to the nearest park!

It’s your basic personality that we are talking about!



Because if you don’t like what you see, no body else will either!

You are special in your own way!

You are beautiful in your way!

Permit experiences to smoothen the rough edges in your character to make you a complete
person. But don’t chisel yourself away to try and make a new ‘you’…coz one fine day you
may not recognize yourself …more often then not it could leave you disfigured and

And why should you try and impress anyone?

Let people accept you for what you are…if they don’t I don’t think you ever needed them!

I think I am a beautiful person…and I think ‘you’ who is reading this now is beautiful too…!

Cheers to a beautiful life!


OIEFRE said...

bloody "BEAUTIFUL" one !! mind blowing... great job.. keep rocking.. !!

Jayashree..!! said...

c00l!!! truly awesome!! :)

erode14 said...

i love myself for what i am aimig at.... :)