Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Neither here nor there… Please be somewhere!!!!!

People of my generation – who are forty plus now –are not a very enviable lot I would say! They find themselves in a dilemma more often than not! They can neither identify them selves with the old fashioned values of the previous gen nor be bold enough to follow the ultra mod trends of their next [kids] generation…and lo behold what have you! An identity crisis… being neither here nor there… a transitory generation I would say! And believe me its tough being there!

Lets start from basics! Food…Traditional cooking sounds tedious to cook and eat. We get bored of it very often! Fast foods like chats are great to try once in a way! Pizzas are passable! Any mention of pasta and macaroni as a full meal brings a silly apologetic smile to the face …err… can we have some thing else too along with it?

When it comes to clothes …Oh we claim to be mod and ‘in’ with the crowd….or so we brag!!! Yeah … because we love to try new trends ourselves…

…Comes a girl with a spaghetti top or a pair of shorts and we do a double….and say… now that’s a bit too skimpy! Phew …People please make up your mind!

You profess openly that love marriages are perfectly ok [of course you will never spell it out to your kids lest they take advantage of it…!!] but secretly send silent prayers hoping that they find a guy or gal from your own community! Come on …give yourself a break! They are not like you and me and have a mind of their own and know precisely what they want and go after it…. come what may!!

Its confusion galore in every aspect of life only because most lack the guts to pursue what they really want! Can’t blame them because they are sandwiched between past [Traditional] and the future [Modern] generations!

And land up being the punch bag for both!

But please remember there is no point in hiding behind that excuse…in the milee your life is being wasted! Why do you worry about what people have to say ? Just go for what you feel is right and for god’s sake don’t make the same mistake as the previous gen! Learn to let go…this applies for both you and your children…
Let go of unwanted traditions and values that are dead weight, be practical and learn to enjoy your life!
Let go off your children at some point and allow them the space that you probably never got…don’t cling on!

Life is too beautiful to be wasted....despite its lows!!!!


Unknown said...

I "must" say that You really have called a Spade a Spade,absolutely right in saying that we do,at times hide behind a facade.Trying to keep pace with the "Times" whilst not wanting to "Completely" do away with the Old Gen.
Allowing upto a 'point' is the only next best solution.One must admit there are a few "Do's and Dont's" from the Old Gen which do carry weight and meaning even today,so why not come to a compromise of "Thinking and Acting" according to Circumstances.

Jayashree..!! said...

awesome this is!

Ms Right said...

these lines rocked me off the foot...
these need to be postered out in public.. even if that be done, there wud stil be opposition to it for a very long time.. jus like theis debate centuries ago "is the world round or flat"..
Let go of unwanted traditions and values that are dead weight, be practical and learn to enjoy your life!
Let go off your children at some point and allow them the space that you probably never got…